Monday, February 15, 2016

Beastcast 61 - Hannu & Kaiser visit!

Hannu "The Hande" Mäkinen and Retrokaiser visit me at the Beastbar and we have a good ol' chat about many nerdy topics. Download link and info after the bump...

Download the Episode here. (Right Click Save Target As.)


  1. God damn it! I lost it when I saw that picture. Gonna listen to this as soon as I can. =D

  2. A beast, a devil, and a kaiser walk into a bar.

  3. If I can get a cartoon box of wine, I might have to overcome my social autism and join another Beastcast.

    1. No problem, Ill do the box of wine, the one that only saw grapes when they printed it on the box, and gives you the worst Hangover that you can imagine! And I would gladly have you back for another Beastcast!
