Thursday, August 8, 2013

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Review (GBC)

We know that time isn't kind to good video games, But what about the bad ones like Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the Game Boy Colour ? Do they get even worse with time, or is time kind to them? Well let's find out in the newest episode of Michael's Retro Game Reviews.


  1. Great Review man. I think some games are judged harsher in their time because its a game in a genre that is flooded with titles and only the best will stand out.

  2. Thanks bud. i agree, why pay full price for this when there are much better GBC games for the same price. But judging this on it's own now it's not that bad. my copy only cost me £1.20 including postage ;)

  3. I'm seriously considering playing this game over the weekend. Looks like an okay game. One GBC game I remember being pretty good, but got disappointing reviews, was Turok 2: Seeds of Evil. Damn, it was far from perfect, but that game was a good time.

  4. Super retro! I loved the movie about Buffy. And Sarah Michelle is cool too. Despite the bad schedule, I downloaded a lot of ROM games here . I like these emulators so I installed it on my android. And many are surprised)
